my name is

Hi, you must be lost. Don't worry, this page isn't going to help.
Welcome to my little corner of the Internet. Like most humans, describing myself is not my strong suit. Instead, I will just tell you some things About Me.
HELLO my name is Connie.
My tablet pen's name is Jeremy.
I have a dent in the back of my head.
I usually take stairs two at a time.
I prefer edge pieces.
My tablet's function keys are mapped to Z, Ctrl, Alt, and X.
I am a black belt in Shotokan karate.
I considered making this website's font Georgia.
I can't not sing along to Disney.
I like the squishy sound that raw chicken makes.
I have never broken a bone.
I once set instant noodles on fire in a microwave.
Neon socks are my favorite, especially if they don't match.
My hardware is from Apple. My software is from everywhere else.
My favorite sound is thunder.
I have search history turned off.
I file my nails, but I rarely paint them.
My commit history is always a mess.
Sometimes I make little "doop" noises to myself.
I always prefer crispy.
I'm a hopeless romantic.
I collect artistic bookmarks.
My least favorite chore is laundry.
I like pretty things.