Ideas: Things

Bow Tie Tie 🔗

A full tie with a bow at the top instead of a knot.

Glass Slippers 🔗

Bunny-shaped, but not fuzzy.

Platform Socks 🔗

For that extra height when chilling at home.

Recursive Chair 🔗

A chair shaped like a sitting person.

BobbleButt Doll 🔗

Pretty self-explanatory.

Your Conscience Speaking 🔗

Headphones that play independent audio tracks into each ear.

Oven Socks 🔗

For when your hands are full?

Insta-Cookers 🔗

Defibrillator paddles for food.

My Eyes are Up Here 🔗

Eyeball print on a bikini.

A Pant 🔗

The left half of a pair of pants.

Doppelthingers 🔗

  • A knitted scarf that looks like a collar and tie
  • A lamp shade that looks like an umbrella
  • Playing cards that look like credit cards
  • Ice cubes that look like sea creatures
  • A watch that looks like a pair of handcuffs